Top 10k strings from Bull Run (1984)(Phipps Associates).tzx
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8 2 "addr+100") 1 t;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ou will notice that the fences will not stand up to the bull for very long,and, depending on the bull's ferocity will collapse after a certain length of time. The bull can gore you if you you are carrying a fence but not if you are on or behind it, unless it collapses of course! 1 ou will get a reward of 30,000 pesetas maximum, however 50 pesetas will be deducted for every seconds delay. 1 ou are on holiday in a village in Spain. Just beforethe bullfight season the Spanish let a bull into the streets to chase the spectators. However,before this happens a bull has escaped, and will gore anyone walking about. 1 ou achieve this feat of derring-do by placing and re-placing fences and using yourself as bait. You must get the bull back into the ring and close off the three exits with fences. 1 lease use the ~arrow~ keys to move:To pick up a fence move onto it and press ~p~, you will flash to denote you are carrying it. The start pile is in the bottom right corner of the picture. To place a fence,move over the position required and press~d~. 1 emember, in order to win you must have the bull in thering and the three exits filled with fences. 1 ecause you are brave and fearless you decide to help the villagers by getting the bull back into the ring. 1 Time: You have successfully put the very nasty bull rather boisterous bull meek & timid bullAnother game y/nback into the ring! The Spanish have awarded you a smelly sock. pesetas!Another game y/n~ 1 S 1 LEVEL 1 = VERY NASTY BULLLEVEL 2 = MEDIOCRE BULLLEVEL 3 = FAIRLY GENTLE 1 Enter level 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BULL < 1 B 1 Another game y/n 1 A j 1 ;"START THE TAPE" 1 :c"#b!Wz"%b! 1 23627+256* 1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( & & " "" " "!!""""" " """!!!""""" " """!!!"" " " ""!!!!" " " "" "!!"""" " """"" """" " """"""""""" " """"""" """ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 8 1 #t;"Press a key": 1 "eb!Ds"gb> 1 "addr+2275"): 1 "addr+2275") 1 "_b!Uq"ab> 1 "Sb!qp"Ub> 1 "Sb!,s"Ub! 1 "Do you want instructions? "; 1 YOU HAVE BEEN 1 RESS ANY KEY TO LOAD GAME ~